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Power is using strength in speed.


Vertical jump test

Vertical jump test tests the power of your legs. Basically you stick a sticker on the tip of your hands and you jump as high as you can to measure your maximum vertical jump.


Equipment needed:

A flat wall 

Tape measurer


Recording sheet


Step by step test

1. You measure the participant's max reach with one hand 

2. Put a sticker with their names on the tip of their fingers

3. Jump (without run up)

4. Put result on recording sheet




1. Easy to set up as all you need is a ruler and some space

2. Easy to do because all you do is jumping

3. Easy to understand because no complicated intructions is needed

4. Cheap as no expenisive equipment is needed

5. Can accurately measure jumping height



1. Can cause injury without warm up because it is a power exercise.

2. Can only measure lower body power because it is only jumping

3. Requires a flat wall (Hard to do at home)

4. Require good technique because if you do not jump in good technique it might cause injury and would not measure accurate vertical jump.

5. Can be unaccurate if no one is administrating (to make sure the result is the peak of your jump)

Standing broad jump test

Standing broad jump test tests the power of your legs


Equipment needed:

Tape measurer 

A flat ground

Recording sheet


Step by step test:

1. First you set up the equipment (make sure tape measureer is straight so the result is accurate)

2. Jump as further as you can

3. Record result

4. Do test again to make sure it is accurate


1. Cheap

2. Easy to do

3. Easy to understand

4. Sports specfic (For some sports like long jump and triple jump)




1. Boring

2. Requires correct technique 

3. Warm up is needed to prevent injury

4. Injuries are easier to occur

5. Requires a big space to jump.

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